We have adopted a whole new school schedule since the "schooling while Reagan naps" plan doesn't work very well when nap time doesn't come until 2:00! We are starting class about 8:00, after prayer and devotions, with language arts and math, then a break. Next comes science and music, then lunch and a longer break. After that is Reagan's nap, and we wrap up school with history and art. All told, we should be done by 3:00. Yes, that's 7 hours after we started, but we've had close to 3 hours of breaks in there, so it's not a full 7 hours of class, heaven forbid!
The breaks allow the kids time to do chores, memorize Awana verses, read, and of course, PLAY! And I get a little breather to get stuff ready for the next subject, start supper, do a little cleaning, or sit down (yeah, right). At least canning is pretty much done for the year, right?
Oh. I forgot one thing. P.E. class! On Mondays through Wednesdays, I wake the three older kids up at 6:00 and we head outside to move our bodies as much as we can for at least 15 minutes. Jumping jacks, jogging, kicking a soccer ball around the house, even push-ups! So far, it's not the most popular class, but I have faith that it will catch on! :)
Reagan has joined in during class time much better than I thought. I'll have to get a picture of him in "school" next week. I have set up a TV tray for him where he entertains himself (with help) with whatever manipulatives I set out for him. So far, his favorite is paint! He's not very neat with it of course, but the mess is usually limited to his tray, chair and himself...and his paper! What more can you ask of a 2-year-old? I also have markers and stencils (paper gets taped to the tray), play dough, lacing cards, foam cubes, popsicle sticks, a box of rice with some scoops, and a few other tricks up my sleeve. All of which came from that marvelous store, The Dollar Tree.
So that's my plan for this school year. What's yours?