Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas at Home

Christmas morning... loud, chaotic... wonderful!!
Our gifts to them...

God's gifts to us

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas with a Capital C

Are you as tired of "Happy Holidays" as I am?  Well, let me introduce you to this awesome song from Go Fish, my little gift to you this Christmas.  Never heard of Go Fish?  You are missing out!  We are HUGE fans in this house!

The Brad Stine add-ins make the song even better.  What??  Never heard of him either?  He's hilarious!


Monday, December 17, 2012

40-- say what??

The kids made the decorations.
I made pizza and the cake.
And Dwayne turned 40!!

 Holding up pretty good, isn't he? (he!he!) 
Happy birthday, honey!  We love you bunches!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Feast Fit for Caesar!

In our history lessons, we are currently studying Roman times.  Let me tell you, as a parent, it is so much better the second time through!  Textbook history was not really my favorite subject when I was a kid.  Now we all look forward to our daily history lesson... especially when it involves costumes and eating!

First, we made costumes.  Old sheets, a little cutting here, a little sewing there, and the kids added all their own embellishments.  Marian and Ellie were beautiful Roman ladies and Drew was our own Roman centurion!
Next we had to make our authentic Roman feast.  Bear in mind that in 70 AD pasta had not been invented yet, and tomatoes and potatoes were not yet known in the eastern hemisphere.  So spaghetti was out of the question!
So last night, these loyal subjects of Caesar feasted on roasted chicken, bread, salad, green peas, grape juice, and apple cake for dessert.  A good time was had by all!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Giving Thanks

 We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving this year!  As always, we had plenty to eat: turkey, ham, dressing, dumplings, rolls, casseroles, and pies, pies, pies.  Yum!
But our blessings were multiplied this year as our dear friends joined us for the celebration (and brought about half of that food I just listed-- yea!).  We so enjoyed spending the day with Friends Brenda, Melissa, Josh, and Thomas.  
This was a wonderful Thanksgiving indeed.  
At the top of my list of blessings this year is great friends!