Don't you just love those moments when your child surprises you by how much they know? I know it happens to all parents, but I just can't help but imagine that we stay-at-home moms get it a little more often than others. (Would you agree... or am I being snooty?)
Well, we had just such a morning recently. I had set up Ellie and Andrew to play a math game and they were both doing quite well. Side note: Sometimes, I can't help myself. I tell the older kids to take it easy on Ellie. "She's younger than you. Help her out. Don't be too aggressive" You've heard it before. Those of you who were the younger sister, like me, are nodding your heads. Those of you who were the older ones are probably rolling your eyes! Then, when she beats the pants off her big brother or sister, I think, maybe I should just leave the room and let what will happen, happen!
Ellie did win here, but only by one point, and Andrew took the loss very graciously.
Okay, back to the real point of this post. Since these two had a game to play, Reagan wanted a game, too. I told him he could go to the game shelf and pick something. He came down with one of my favorites (for the younger set), Dr. Seuss' Super Stretchy ABC. It's a really cute Twister-style game. Well, I say cute. It's cute for the kids, but when they persuade Mom or Dad to play it is side-splitting hilarious!
Again, back to the point. I helped Reagan spread out the mat and waited to see how he would actually play. He took out all the disks and I pointed out to him that the pictures on the disks match the pictures on the mat. He commenced to putting every disk with its matching picture on the mat-- to much applause and fanfare, I might add. Now, Reagan, being a typical 3-
year-old boy, doesn't usually stick with this type of activity for long, so we were all very impressed.
About this time, Marian joined him on the floor and Reagan found the cards for this game as well. We showed him that the cards each have a letter that match the letters on the mat. Off he went again, matching all the cards, letter by letter.
What a smart boy!! Like I said, I just love the moments when my kids choose to amaze me!