Tuesday, August 26, 2014

God opens wide His hand

About this time every year, I like to look back at all the things God has amazed us with over the summer.  This year, we have a bumper crop of blessings!
 (Borrowing words from William James, circa 1888.) 

God opens wide His hand,
In this our native land,
Year after year.
From His abundant store
He giveth evermore,
"Pressed down and running o'er,"
Our hearts to cheer.

The seed packet said "Mammoth Sunflowers".  Now that's truth in advertising!!  This one was easily 10 feet high, with a diameter of about 18 inches!
The sunflower "harvest" is put aside to feed the birds so that we can enjoy watching them from the window all winter long.
We have been very busy filling nearly every jar we can lay our hands on!  We have canned peach jam, blackberry jam (both seedless and regular), green beans (oh, blessedly endless green bean harvest!), squash relish,
turnips, tomatoes (another seemingly endless crop!), and pickled okra.  
The corn has been plentiful, and we chose to freeze it all this year instead of canning it-- some on the cob, but most cut off.  We still have plenty of okra coming in, as well as green peppers, and we will soon need to dig up the onions and the sweet potatoes.

God has indeed opened wide His hand to us.  

 He has not only shown us His practical provision, 

but his artistry as well...

The whole earth is filled with his glory!! 
Amen and amen!
Psalm 72:19

1 comment:

  1. You have indeed been blessed with an abundant harvest! Thank you for sharing your blessings on the HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you again tomorrow! - Nancy The Home Acre Hop


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