Monday, July 7, 2014

Homeschool Year Recap-- Part 3, Co-op Group Stuff

As much fun as we had on our field trips in the fall, we still missed having time with our friends doing co-op activities.  So after Christmas break, we rejoined our group classes.  The focus this past spring was mostly art.  The kids did a number of projects, including line & design, stamping, collage, and acrylic paints.  We also had a fun trip to an art museum and a great field day to wrap up the year.  So glad to have such good friends!
Food art!  Using grapes to worms coming out of our apple!
Pudding paint!
Painting with acrylic

 Two beautiful finished products!

Museum Trip:
Reagan was a little keyed up after being so good and so quiet during our museum tour!
I just loved this work!  The jars are filled with little things the artist found around an old homeplace.  The woman is simply from his imagination-- how he thinks someone who lived there might have looked.  I seem to remember that the boards are from the structure of the home.  How creative!
 Field Day events:
 Herculean Shot Put!
  The kids assured me throwing this globe was harder than you might think!
 Obstacle course:  boys vs girls!
(Audrey at 14 versus Reagan at 4 just doesn't seem like a fair fight, does it?)
 Sock War!
This was hilarious to watch, but no joke about it for the contestants!

...and that wraps up my homeschool recap!  
We've had fun, worked hard, and learned a lot-- at least Mama has!

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