Monday, February 27, 2012

Life Coming Full Circle

November 2009, we had a cow die at the farm while delivering her calf.  So Dwayne built a temporary pen at the house so Marian and Andrew could bottle-feed the calf.  It was quite an experience for them both!  Suffice it to say, much was learned.

The calf was soon named.  Marian and Andrew preferred "Curly".  Little Sister Ellie had a different opinion, of course.  She preferred "Bitsy". ("Like itsy-bitsy," she explained.)  So it was decided, and Curly-Bitsy came to live with us.

Well, time passes, and this week Marian and Andrew are proud to announce the birth of their brand new foster grand-calf!!  Curly Bitsy gave birth to a healthy bull calf.  Cow and calf are doing great.    Aren't they good-looking?

We are so proud... and relieved no bottle-feeding will be required this time!

1 comment:

  1. Tristen was impressed with the cow and bottle feeding. Very cool! I am so glad all went well.


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